Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Strugge Is Real - 860 Words

The Struggle is Real Today’s world is filled with issues. Bullying and homosexuality are two of the most talked about topics in the news. These topics often cause controversy between people young and old. Some people may feel threatened by people who have sexual preferences other than their own. They may express this fear in a variety of ways ranging from subtle discrimination to overt violence(â€Å"Gay and Lesbian Issues -Discrimination†). Most people do not realizeâ€Å"homosexuals can be found in every race, religion, age group, country, state, and social group.†( â€Å"Know your Rights!†) That doesnt exclude schools. Many people teach their kids that homosexuals are a disgrace to the world. This builds tension between kids at school and later causes bullying and depression. Most students who are bullied by a classmate about their sexuality do not report it ,but out of those that do tell 1/3 of the staff told didnt attempt to cease the problem (â€Å"Gay Bullying Statistics†). Discrimination toward homosexuals in school persecutes their choice of lifestyle and can result in their grades declining† because they feel that good grades can only make it worse. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) youth are often left out and feel bullied or depressed at school. Bullying of the LGBT often begins with name calling like faggot or dyke.Later on it can become really intense with things like physical abuse and no one knows how to make it better. Schools constantly try to keep the problem

Monday, December 16, 2019

Behavior Therapy Basic Concepts, Assessment Methods, and Applications Free Essays

Behavior Therapy: Basic Concepts, Assessment Methods, and Applications. Different kinds of psychotherapies have existed throughout history, and have always been rooted in philosophical views of human nature (Wachtel P. , 1997). We will write a custom essay sample on Behavior Therapy: Basic Concepts, Assessment Methods, and Applications or any similar topic only for you Order Now Specifically, behavior therapy intents to help individuals overcome difficulties in nearly any aspect of human experience (Thorpe G. Olson S. , 1990). The techniques of behavior therapy have been applied to education, the workplace, consumer activities, and even sports, but behavior therapy in clinical settings is largely concerned with the assessment of mental health problems. In general, behavior therapy is a type of psychotherapy that aims on changing undesirable types of behavior. It engages in identifying objectionable, maladaptive behaviors and replacing them with healthier ones. . According to Rimm D. Masters J. (1974), the label â€Å"behavior therapy† comprises a large number of different techniques that make use of psychological-especially learning- principles to deal with maladaptive human behavior. Behavior therapy is a relative new kind of psychotherapy (Corsini R. Wedding D. , 2008). As a systematic approach, behavior therapy began in the 1950’s, in order to assess and treat psychological disorders. Behavior therapy was developed by a small group of psychologists and physicians who were not satisfied with the conventional techniques of psychotherapy (Thorpe G. et al, 1990). They linked behavior therapy to experimental psychology, differentiating it from other preexisting approaches. During behavior therapy’s first phase, the applied developed from principles of classical and operant conditioning. There are varying views about the best way to define behavior therapy. However, most health professionals agree to Eysenck’s definition: â€Å"Behavior therapy is the attempt to alter human behavior and emotions in a beneficial way according to the laws of modern learning theory†. Erwin E. (1978), instead of proposing a specific definition for behavior therapy, he referred to some basic and important characteristics that this therapy possesses. According to Erwin, behavior therapy is used largely to lessen human suffering or to improve human functioning. He pointed out that it is a psychological rather than a biological form of treatment. In the cases of phobias treatment, behavior therapy is usually applied to treat the symptoms directly. Moreover, behavior therapy is characteristically used to modify maladaptive behavior or to teach adaptive behavior. This means that the focus is on individuals’ behavior. In some cases, behavior therapy techniques may even be used to reduce unwanted mental states as in Davinson’s (1968) use of counterconditioning to reduce sadistic fantasy, simply because the mental state itself is unwanted (as stated in Erwin, 1978). Another basic characteristic of behavior therapy is that it is often used in an incremental rather than a holistic fashion. Problems that are to be treated are first divided into their components and each component is treated separately. Last, behavior therapy is studied and used experimentally, being closely related to learning theory research. Three main approaches in contemporary behavior therapy have been identified (Corsini R. et al, 2008). These are the applied behavior analysis (ABA), the neobehavioristic meditational stimulus-response model, and the social cognitive theory. ABA refers to the application of the principles of learning and motivation from Behavior Analysis (the scientific study of behavior), and the procedures and technology derived from those principles, to the solution of problems of social significance. This approach is based on Skinner’s radical behaviorism. It identifies behaviors that should be extinguished and behaviors that are to be taught. It makes use of reinforcement, punishment, extinction, stimulus control, and other procedures derived from laboratory research (Corsini R. et al, 2008). It is most frequently applied to children with autistic spectrum disorders, but is an effective tool for children with behavioral disorders, multiple disabilities, and severe intellectual handicaps. The neobehavioristic meditational stimulus-response (S-R) model features the applications of the principles of classical conditioning, and it derives from the learning theories of Ivan Pavlov, E. Guthrie, lark Hull, O. Mowrer, and N. Miller (as cited in Corsini et al, 2008). The S-R model has been linked to systematic desensitization and flooding. Systematic desensitization was developed by Joseph Wolpe (1958). It is a therapy for phobias based on counterconditioning -a technique for eliminating a conditioned response that involves pairing a conditioned stimulus with another unconditioned stimulus to condition a new response. If the new response in incompatible with the old response, so that only one response can occur at a time, then the new response can replace the old one. In systematic desensitization, patients visualize fear- evoking stimuli while relaxing, to associate the stimuli with relaxation instead of fear. (Lieberman D. , 2004). Flooding is another psychotherapeutic technique discovered by psychologist Thomas Stampfl (1967) (as cited in Harold, 1990) that is still used in behavior therapy to treat phobias. It works by exposing the individual to painful memories they already have aiming to put together their repressed feelings with their current awareness. Flooding works on the principles of classical conditioning (Lieberman D. , 2004). Social cognitive theory (SCT) refers to learning in terms of interaction between external stimulus response, external reinforcement, and cognitive meditational processes (Corsini et al 2008). Personal and environmental factors do not function as independent determinants; rather, they determine each other. It is mainly through their behavior that individuals produce the environmental conditions that affect their behavior in a mutual way. New experiences are evaluated in relation to the past; prior experiences help to subsequently direct and inform the individual as to how the present should be considered. Behavior therapy has mainly been associated with the era between 1950 and 1960, especially with the theories of I. Pavlov, E. Skinner, J. Wolpe, and A. Bandura (Yates A. , 1975). It is a clinical application of psychology that relies on empirically-validated principles and procedures (Plaud, 2001). Since the first behavior therapy alternatives to the psychoanalysis and other associated therapies were introduced almost 50 ago (Wolpe, 1958), constant improvements in behavior therapy have mostly been supplied by its foundation on conditioning principles and theories (Eifert ; Plaud, 1998). Specifically, behavior therapy relies exclusively on the experimental methodology initiated by I. Pavlov. Clinical applications of Pavlovian onditioning principles began in 1912, when one of Pavlov’s students, was the first to establish the counter-conditioning effect in the laboratory. Studies on anxiety have considerably assisted behavior therapy’s development. According to Wolpe and Plaud (1997), Wolpe’s experimental studies were based on the implications of early Pavlovian experiments by giving emphasis to the importance of t he conditioning procedures. Actually, Wolpe made important contributions to behavioral therapy, such as proposing systematic desensitization and assertiveness training, both of which have become important elements of behavioral therapy. Albert Bandura is usually associated with the development of the social cognitive theory (Corsini et al, 2008). Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory derived from social learning theory. It aims to explain how behavioral principles and norms are learned through an interaction of the individual and his/her environment, mostly through the observing others. Skinner worked on radical behaviorism. He rejected traditional psychology and all the included concepts that referred to what he called mentalism. That meant any concept that revealed a belief in cause and effect relationships between mental activities and learned behavior. In the 1966 edition of his 1928 book, The Behavior of Organisms, Skinner still named the belief that emotions are important factors in behavior a â€Å"mental fiction. † In addition, he thought that it is wrong, or at least not scientific, to consider that people cry because they are sorry or tremble because they are afraid. Behavior therapy developed rapidly. Three â€Å"waves†, that actually are three divisions of the behavior therapy’s development, have been proposed. The first wave focused mainly on altering overt behavior. The second wave focused on the cognitive factors that contribute to behavior. This approach is also known as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). The â€Å"third wave† of behavior therapy was proposed by Hayes, Hollette, and Linehan (as cited in Corsini et al, 2008). It includes dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). On the whole, DBT claims that some individuals, due to unfavorable environments during childhood and due to unknown biological factors, react abnormally to emotional stimulation. Their level of arousal increases much more rapidly, peaks at a higher level, and takes more time to go back to baseline. DBT is a technique for learning skills that aids to reduce this reaction. DBT applies mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance skills (Yates A. , 1975). Mindfulness skills include core skills. They are the most difficult skills to accomplish, but when learned, the process of thoughts and emotions occurs in an significantly different manner. Some of the processes included to the mindfulness skill, as listed by Corsini et al (2008), are the following: Observe or attend to emotions without trying to terminate them when painful, describe a thought or emotion, be nonjudgmental, stay in the present, focus on one thing at a time (one-mindfully). Mindfulness skills are applied in later sessions, when the other (three) types of skills on focus. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a quite new type of psychotherapy, found by Steven C. Hayes in the mid 1990s. It is the development and combination of behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which has mostly been the established therapy for treatment of conditions like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorders. Acceptance and commitment therapy, like CBT, is based on the philosophy of â€Å"Functional Contextualism†, a modern philosophy of science rooted in philosophical pragmatism and contextualism, suggesting that words and ideas can only be understood within some kind of context and they are therefore often misinterpreted due to the fact that people have individual contexts. An additional therapy that has had an impact on ACT is Relational Frame therapy, a type of behavioral analysis focused on language and learning. ACT is differentiated from CBT since it directly accepts the thought, â€Å"Everybody hates me. † This thought is viewed without passion, and sometimes it is transformed to a phrase like â€Å"I am having the thought that everybody hates me. † Ding so may be repeated until the thought becomes defused. Hayes identifies about 100 defusion techniques in ACT. Previous distracting thoughts are not actively dismisses by the individual going through ACT. This is another distinguishing factor from CBT which intends to reduce distracting and unhelpful thoughts. ACT therapists argue that the process of their therapy is much briefer than CBT, and for that reason it is considered more effective. There is a variety of concepts referring to behavior therapy. Two main categories of those concepts are the learning principles and the personal variables. In classical conditioning, the researcher begins with identifying a reflex response, one that is activated regularly by a specific stimulus (Thorpe et al, 1990). In humans, these reflexes include he eye-blink response to dust or a puff of air in the eye, and the reflex of the knee jerk reflex in response to a hit in the correct point by the researcher’s hammer. Such reflexes appear regularly without any particular guidance, so they are considered to be unlearned or unconditioned. Classical conditioning occurs when a new stimulus acquires the ability to trigger one of these reflex respons es. Operant conditioning makes use of the principles of (positive or negative) reinforcement and (positive/negative) punishment to bring about a desired response. (Lieberman D. 1994). Positive reinforcement is the presentation of something pleasant or rewarding immediately following a behavior, but In Negative Reinforcement a particular behavior is strengthened by the consequence of the stopping or avoiding of a negative condition. Moving to punishment, negative punishment occurs when in an attempt to decrease the likelihood of a behavior occurring in the future, an operant response is followed by the removal of a desired stimulus, though in positive punishment an operant response is followed by the presentation of an aversive stimulus. Operant conditioning occurs when a consequence eventually becomes expected for a particular behavior. One example would be when a student is rewarded for getting good grades. The positive outcome of their behavior to study and achieve gain those grades is motivated by the anticipation of a positive result in addition to the good grades. In order to teach individuals complex tasks, Skinner proposed a system of successive approximations of operant learning where tasks are broken down into several steps that, when individually learned, summarily progress towards the complex task desired. Extinction refers to the reducing the probability of a response when a characteristic reinforcing stimulus is no longer presented. Discrimination learning is the process by which individuals learn to differentiate their responses to different stimuli. When the opposite occurs, that is when individuals fail to discriminate between different situations ending up with behavior on situations other than that in which it was acquired, generalization takes place (Corsini R. et al, 2008). Personal variables that were proposed by Mischel (1973, as cited in Corsini R. et al, 2008), explain and â€Å"swapping† between individual and situation. They include the individual’s competences to create varied behaviors under appropriate conditions, his/her perception of events and people (including the self), expectancies, subjective values and self-regulatory systems. Behavior therapy is applied for and aims to treat only learned behavioral problems. Sometimes, however, health and learned behavioral problems coexist. Whether the individual being in treatment has a learned behavioral problem alone, or a learned problem which coexists with a learned one has to be determined in the beginning of the process of behavior therapy. Two additional possible situations are either the individual in therapy to have a learned behavior problem as part of a psychosomatic disorder, or to have a medical problem that just appears to have been learned (Yates A. , 1975). Behavioral assessment is vital to behavior therapy. It developed rapidly during the 1970s, after initially being a covered part of behavior therapy in terms of research and professional development (Thorpe G. , et al, 1990). Now, behavior assessment is a rich and diverse subfield of behavior therapy that continues to develop rapidly. In clinical settings, behavior therapy is a method for treating mental health problems. Treatment involves proposing and putting into practice a plan of action that aims to resolve a problem. Deciding on the plan of action depends on the problem formulation so what has to be done in the early sessions of the therapy is the agreement of the therapist and the client on what is wrong and what has to be changed to improve or even eliminate it. Behavior therapy uses a number of assessment methods. In guided imagery the individual is guided in imagining a relaxing scene or series of experiences (Rimm D. t al, 1974). When an individual visualizes an imagined scene reacts as though it were actually occurring; therefore, imagined images can have a great impact on behavior. Role playing is a technique used in behavior therapy to provide partaking and involvement in the learning process (Thorpe G. et al, 1990). It helps the individual (learner) to receive objective feedback about his/her perfor mance. Role playing techniques can be applied to motivate individuals pay more attention to their interpersonal state. One of its most important aspects is that it helps the learner experience a real life situation in a protected setting. Physiological recording, self-monitoring, behavioral observation, and psychological tests and measurements are some more examples of the assessment techniques that can be applied during the behavior therapy (Corsini R. et al, 2008). In general, behavior therapists do not use standardized psychodiagnostic tests and projective tests. They broadly make use of checklists and questionnaires, self-report scales of depression, assertion inventories, etc. These assessment techniques are not sufficient for carrying out a functional analysis of the determinants of a problem, but they are useful in establishing the initial severity of the problem and charting therapeutic efficacy over the course of treatment. In conclusion, the clinical investigations of behavior therapists have significantly improved our understanding of how our behavior is coordinated with external events that occur in our lives; they have created ways of mediating in disturbing interpersonal aspects that were not efficiently treated through other kinds of therapy. Behavior therapy can be applied to treat a full range of psychological disorders. These include anxiety disorders, depression and suicide, sexual dysfunctions, marital problems, eating and weight disorders, addictive disorders, schizophrenia, childhood disorders, phobias, pain management, hypertension, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, etc. (Thorpe G. et al, 1990). References Corsini R, Wedding D. (2008). Current Psychotherapies. New York: Thomson Brooks/Cole. Eifert, G. , Plaud, J. (1998). From behavior theory to behavior therapy (pp. 1-14). Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon. Erwin E. (1978). Behavior Therapy: Scientific, Philosophical, Moral Foundations. New York: Cambridge University Press. Harold (1990). Handbook of Social and Evaluation Anxiety. New York: Plenum Press. Lieberman D. (2004). Learning and Memory: an integrative approach. United states: Thomson Wadsworth. Plaud, J. (2001). Clinical science and human behavior. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 1089-1102. Rimm D. , Masters J. (1974). Behavior Therapy: Techniques and Empirical Findings. New York: Academic press. Thorpe G. , Olson S. 1990). Behavior Therapy: Concepts, Procedures and Applications. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Wachtel P. , (1997). Psychoanalysis, Behavior Therapy, and the Relational World. Washington DC: American Psychological Association. Wolpe, J. , Plaud, J. (1997). Pavlov’s contributions to behavior therapy: The obvious and the not so obvious. American Psychologist, 52, 966-972. Wolpe, Joseph. 1958. Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Yates A. , 1975). Theory and Practice in Behavior Therapy. New York: John Wiley Sons. How to cite Behavior Therapy: Basic Concepts, Assessment Methods, and Applications, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Cost Benefit Analysis of Tempisque Bridge free essay sample

Cost Benefit Analysis of Tempisque Bridge In 1992 , Costa Rica s Minister of Public Works and Transport (MOPT benefit-cost analysis suggested it was worthwhile to construct a bridge over Tempisque River to connect the province of Guanacaste to San , Jose Costa Rica s capital . Environmentalists and tourism representatives opposed the construction of the bridge 1 . 1 Reasons for Building the Bridge Population of Guanacaste province is declining ever since the World Bank urged the removal of tariffs protecting Costa Rican agriculture which drove many marginal farms out of business . Savings in vehicle operating costs and travel time Travel time equals average wage rates of vehicle occupants times number of occupants per vehicle Reduction of one hour in travel time , reduces 42949 for bus 274 for car or pickup , and 194 for heavy truck . Reduce vehicle operating costs . Vehicle operating costs are a function of distance , speed and condition of road surface Saving in vehicle operating costs 104 . 02 million Saving in travel time 91 . We will write a custom essay sample on Cost Benefit Analysis of Tempisque Bridge or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 16 million 2 . 5 Traffic increase by 30 This is because opening of a new bridge would reduce travel time and thus increase travel time causes one percent increase in traffic . Since the new bridge would reduce travel time by 30 , traffic is expected to increase by 30 Costs of B /C Analysis 3 . 1 Costs on Tourism Business Increased tourism would increase threat of fires which mainly start by tourist campfires and cigarettes Tourist expenditures 17 million per year 3 . 2 Environmental Cost Increased economic activities would introduce industrial problems such as oil spills which would kill fish Approach roads to the bridges cut through mangrove mash and affect flow of water and health of fish population in the Gulf of Nicoya Threat the preservation of the beauty and environment , especially in the Tempisque Conservation Area Assumptions of the B . C Analylsis Nicoya Peninsula and San Jose grows at four percent per year (based on road and ferry survey 1987-1991 Tempisque ferry crossing time 55 . 3 minutes Gulf of Nicoya ferry crossing time 150 . 7 minutes 5 . Critiques to the B /C Analysis Average travel time savings did not account for reduced inconvenience and unreliability of the ferry . Ferry did not operate all hours of the day , and sometimes did not operate for days due to mechanical problems Also the analysis failed to estimate the.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Rational Approach to the Issue of Belief

The question of people’s beliefs can be discussed from many perspectives. The issue of God’s existence is closely associated with the problem of believing in God when there is no sufficient evidence. From this point, William Clifford and William James’s arguments are significant to be discussed in the philosophical and religious contexts.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rational Approach to the Issue of Belief specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Clifford and James present rather opposite visions of the issue of believing in something in relation to the question of real evidence. In spite of the fact, objecting the position of Clifford, the person can support James’s views, and objecting the position of James, the person can discuss Clifford’s ideas as relevant, it is possible to provide the critical discussion of both arguments with references to their strengths and weaknesses. Alt hough the basic ideas which are expressed by Clifford and James in their works are opposite to each other, the authors concentrate on the notion of rationalism and the role of mind in making the decisions regarding the issues of belief even in the religious context. That is why, both authors can be considered as paying too much attention to the rational factor when the problem of beliefs should be discussed from the point of spiritual aspect and trust rather than from the point of mind. In his essay â€Å"The Ethics of Belief†, William Clifford states that it is impossible to believe in something when there is no sufficient evidence to support the possibility of the fact. According to Clifford, the evidence is necessary for supporting the credibility of each fact. That is why, all the hypotheses should be tested before people can believe in them as true. It is impossible to rely only on the belief itself. Thus, the investigation is the important factor to prevent the person f rom sufferings when the facts in which he believes are declared as insufficient. Any unjustified beliefs can be harmful, and these beliefs should be tested. However, when the definite belief was tested by another person it is possible to rely on the received evidence. William James presents the opposite argument to the ideas expressed by Clifford and accentuates the possibility to believe without the evidence presented. On the one hand, James rejects the idea of the intellectual approach to discussing the problem of believing and claims that it is necessary to rely on the non-intellectual or ‘passional’ nature.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand, James provides some details to support the vision that the religious belief in the form of faith can be also discussed as rather rational in its nature in spite of the fact there is no supporting evidence for it. Thus, the idea of belief is based on the definite ‘genuine option’ which should be living, forced, and momentous to provide the person with the effective choice between the extremes when it is possible to believe or not in something. The option is a kind of decision or choice, making by the person regarding the issue of belief. According to James, there are no strict rules for believing in something as it is presented by Clifford who rejects the possibility to believe without evidence. James states that people can choose in relation to the ‘genuine option’ or wait for the situation when the truth of the definite belief is approved with some evidence. Although James can be considered as more flexible in his discussion of the conditions for believing or not, he presents the fact of believing as closely connected with the intellectual or rational processes. In spite of the fact Clifford and James accentuate the rational factor regarding the question of belief in different ways, the moral aspect and the concept of ‘heart’ in believing remains to be unappreciated. Thus, Clifford pays much attention to the issue of evidence when James concentrates on the choice between the possibilities to believe or not without any evidence. Clifford’s argument is based on two rational principles which are the investigation to find the necessary evidence and judgment to discuss the credibility of the evidence. From this point, the fact of evidence becomes more important than the fact of belief itself. It is possible to state that Clifford is inclined to substitute the fact of believing in something with the fact of judging something according to the evidence. Moreover, Clifford’s ideas in relation to the necessity of evidence can be interpreted to discuss the problem of believing in God. Thus, when there is no evidence to support the fact that God exists, the person cannot believe in God.Advertising We will write a custom es say sample on Rational Approach to the Issue of Belief specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nevertheless, there are no enough evidences that God exists, and there are no enough evidences to repute the statement. According to the Christian tradition, people believe in God basing predominately on their intuition and inner feelings, but not because of some evidence. In this case, the evidence can be discussed as the supporting element for beliefs, but not as the basic one. Clifford’s intentions to avoid some errors while believing in something untrue make the idea of belief more rational in nature than it is traditionally discussed in the religious context. In his turn, James pays much attention to the fact that it is permissible to believe in something without reference to the evidence. However, he also emphasizes that such beliefs are permissible not only from the moral point but also from the rational perspective. Accentuating the idea of the option as the main choice making by the person, James focuses on the intellectual approach to resolving the moral problem. Making the choice with references to the living, forced, and momentous options, the person concentrates on his rational arguments but not on the voice of his heart which is significant in relation to the issue of believing in something. James discusses the possibility to believe in God in spite of the wrong or write choices and in spite of the evidence, but the question of the religious faith is also presented as rational to a certain extent. To conclude, believing in something, people are inclined to rely on their intuition and vision of the fact, idea, or concept. Clifford states that the beliefs which are not supported by the evidences can be harmful for people. James states that people have the right to believe without testing the hypotheses and ideas to rely on them. However, both authors focus on the rational category in relation to the discuss ion of beliefs rather than on the moral or spiritual aspect. That is why, beliefs are perceived as the people’s visions associated more with the rational sphere than with the person’s spiritual world. From this point, Clifford and James’s arguments are rather controversial to explain the nature of the belief in God in spite of the issue of evidence. This essay on Rational Approach to the Issue of Belief was written and submitted by user Kaleb E. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Polygamous Marriages essays

Polygamous Marriages essays The moment people hear the word polygamy their minds turn to images of "old-fashioned", "sexist", "fringe", "Mormon", and "illegal." "Polygamy", as referred to on this site, is meant in its most popular use, where one husband has more than one wife at the same time. Technically, Webster's Dictionary defines this practice as "polygyny." Polygamy has been practiced by mankind for thousands of years. Many of the ancient Israelites were polygamous, some having hundreds of wives. King Solomonbis said to have had seven hundred wives. The first essay we read was by Elizabeth Joseph, called My Husbands Nine Wives, which is a short essay on her normal days, and how she has grown from have a plural marriage with her husband. Joseph states, compelling social reasons make polygamy the life style attractive to the modern career woman. She supports this statement by telling us that the Old Testament disapproves of this act but it is just simply a better life style in her eyes. Joseph believes ever since she let her husband marry again, and again for eight more times, he life has only gotten better for herself personally. Joseph does not go into depth about it although, she just tells us a few reasons why she likes it and then thats it. The article I read to compare and contrast this essay with was called; I would Never Go Back to Being a Monogamous Wife By Mary Batchelor, Marianne Watson, and Anne Wilde. The three of them put one article together with well thought of facts and personal experiences very well written. The three women put this article on behalf of one woman who is in a Polygamous relationship, leaving the womans name anonymous, because this practice is illegal. The woman states how after her husband married his second wife she saw my husbands eyes full of new respect and approval, she made a point to ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The 7 most common mistakes in technical writing †and how to fix them

The 7 most common mistakes in technical writing – and how to fix them How to fix the 7 most common glitches in technical writing Most of us are technical writers at some point or other, even if we don’t realise it. You may be quite happy with the label if you write test reports or standard operating procedures. But you can have a very different role and still sometimes need to write technical things: a design brief, an employee handbook or even guidance on how to use the new office photocopier. If your document is complex, and someone needs to be able to follow and act on it, then it’s technical writing. The fact that many people don’t realise that what they’re writing is technical may partly explain why so many of these types of documents fall short. Fortunately, those shortcomings tend to fall into just a few categories, and they’re easy to fix. So let’s look at some of the most common difficulties technical writers (and their readers) face – and how to fix them. 1. Messy structure Many technical documents confuse readers and fail to achieve their aims because they were not planned properly to begin with. This lack of planning means that documents, especially longer ones, end up structured in an illogical fashion. Things are hard to find in the text, sections don’t follow naturally from each other, cross-references are a mess, and so on. At best, this frustrates readers; at worst, it makes the document virtually unusable. How to fix it: Before you begin writing at all, think carefully about the overall layout of the document. Creating a simple outline will help you structure it appropriately and optimally. So when youve written the text, but before you publish it, have it carefully reviewed – preferably by an editor or by a colleague who will read it closely. They may suggest improvements to the document’s structure, especially if you ask them to keep this in mind. The structure of the finished document should seem logical and intuitive to its intended readers. 2. Too much jargon Who your readers are will inform the content and style of your text. So it’s important to keep them in mind throughout the writing process. If you’re writing something for specialist readers, some jargon and technical language is fine; it may even be essential. If you’re writing for a general audience or people who actually specialise in a different area, be careful – what’s familiar and self-evident to you may not be so to them. One manager who commissioned a technical-writing course from Emphasis described how different specialists may ‘talk different languages’. You need to ensure that nothing gets lost in translation. How to fix it: Take a few moments to identify and visualise your readers. Then consider what level and type of technicality in the writing will be appropriate for them – and what won’t be. Those acronyms that roll off your tongue because you use them every day – are they well known elsewhere? Unless you’re sure your readers will know all the technical terms you plan to use, it’s a good idea to include a glossary or a list of abbreviations, or both, at the start of a text. Another strategy is to explain those items in parentheses or footnotes when they first appear. But if you find yourself doing this a lot, you should probably just add a glossary instead. 3. Poor punctuation All writers have a passing knowledge of the main set of punctuation marks. Very few, however, outside of professional authors and editors, have a thorough grasp of how each one works. The use of full stops and question marks is painless enough, but beyond that there is widespread difficulty with getting the details right. When exactly are commas required? Which dashes go where? When should you use hyphens? What’s going on with colons and semicolons? How to fix it: Find a good, modern guide to punctuation and read it carefully until you have a firm grasp of each mark’s use and misuse. Pay particular attention to any area you have trouble with. If certain mistakes or difficulties crop up repeatedly in your company’s documents, address them in your style guide (see next item below). 4. Inconsistency Technical writing should convey coherent ideas and trains of thought. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. And that’s especially true when a document is written over a period of time, created by multiple authors, or updated piecemeal without due regard for overall consistency and readability. These circumstances are common and can result in choppiness in the document’s style, layout, tone, point of view, and so on. For example, the text may address readers as ‘you’ in one paragraph and as ‘designers’ in the next. The tone may switch abruptly from warm and chatty to scientific. This can be disconcerting, if not downright confusing. How to fix it: If you’re making changes to an existing document, get a sense of the surrounding context – including things like tone and tense. Try to align your changes with these, so that new material is incorporated seamlessly (or, if necessary, signposted appropriately). Jumps in tone or tense can be overlooked even more easily than typos and grammatical errors. The sense is clear to the writer (or writers), so they don’t notice things that will jar for the reader. These jumps must therefore be looked for specifically. Create a company style guide and make sure all your writers have easy access to it and are encouraged to consult it. This will do wonders for the consistency of your documents, both internal and external. Ensure that the guide not only includes vocabulary items but also addresses things like readership, typography, company aims, and brand voice and identity. A style guide is a living document, so put a system in place for proposing and incorporating additions and revisions to it. 5. Too much abstraction People writing in a formal or semi-formal context often go overboard in an effort to make their prose sound proper and elevated. Their writing, as a result, can end up very abstract and noun-heavy. ‘The achievement of good performance’ may sound fancy, but it’s a mouthful compared to ‘performing well’, and it’s really no more impressive than the plain-language option. It’s also less clear. Abstractions like this are unnecessary and, as they accumulate, make your prose turgid, verbose, and tiring to read. They can also make it ambiguous: if you describe a system as having ‘enhanced functionality’, do you mean it has more functions or that it works better? How to fix it: Try to replace abstract, noun-heavy phrases with strong, straightforward verbs. This will make your points more concise and intelligible. ‘The carrying out of tests’ can become ‘carrying out tests’, or, better still, ‘testing’ or ‘tests’. Watch out for phrases like took place, which often point to gratuitous nouning and buried verbs: ‘Analysis of the figures took place’ really just means ‘The figures were analysed.’ A related issue is redundancy: ‘blue in colour’ means blue, ‘robust in nature’ means ‘robust’, and so on. 6. Unclear antecedents An antecedent is a word, phrase, or clause referred to by another word, which is usually a pronoun like it, they, or who. For example, in ‘Observe the results and add these to a worksheet’, results is the antecedent of these. Ambiguity can occur when there is more than one possible antecedent. Take the following: ‘Trainees should mark their schedules in the notebooks provided, then in the group calendars. The manager is responsible for them.’ Whoever wrote this knew what the manager was responsible for, but readers may reasonably wonder if them referred to the trainees, the schedules, the notebooks, or the calendars. How to fix it: This is a common blind spot for writers, and it shows why we are our own worst editors. When we review the text, we see only what we meant – we miss the potential for uncertainty. Have someone else look over the text, if possible, because a fresh pair of eyes will be more likely to notice problems like this. It’s better to choose someone who is less familiar with what is being described, since they are less liable to fall into the same trap of overfamiliarity. 7. Dense presentation Technical writing can be very †¦ technical. Unavoidably so. Applying plain language as much as possible will help, though you still probably won’t win awards for literature. But even allowing for its stylistic limitations, technical writing can be made much worse through poor presentation. Long, unbroken chunks of text, for example, are visually off-putting and hard to follow. They can make a reader’s brain shut down out of sheer effort and frustration. The prevalence of jargon and complex concepts add further cognitive loads, and it all adds up. How to fix it: There are several ways to tackle the issue of dense presentation. Short words, sentences, and paragraphs are generally preferable, though they’re no guarantee of lucidity – it’s more important to use the most appropriate words in the best possible manner. Some passages can be broken up with bullet points, which makes them far easier to digest. Bullets also allow you to simplify the grammar, since they don’t need to be full sentences. Parallelism can lend grace, polish, and clarity, and is a grammatical device worth attention and practice if you want to improve your writing. It can take various forms, but essentially it means using matching grammatical structures in words, phrases or clauses that should work in parallel. For example, consider the sentence: For breakfast we like eggs and to grill bacon. Here, eggs is a noun but to grill is a verb. Better to write: For breakfast we like eggs and bacon, or: For breakfast we like to fry eggs and grill bacon. It’s natural to struggle with technical writing, especially if you only do it from time to time. Producing something that reads effortlessly is a challenge. But thinking about and applying these seven straightforward tips will benefit your writing experience. Even more importantly, it will make everything a whole lot clearer – and life a lot easier – for your readers. Image credit: ALPA PROD / Shutterstock

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The case method of stratigic analysis David and Goliath Essay

The case method of stratigic analysis David and Goliath - Essay Example -There are a number of possible solutions to the problem. One solution is to have each side choose its strongest member. For the Philistine this would be Goliath. For the Israelites this would be David. Both individuals would then fight to the death. The winner would determine the resolution for the entirety of their population. While this would provide a resolution and avoid significant death, one recognizes that it is largely an arbitrary means of deciding on the solution; for this reason not all participants may be happy with the final solution. -Another potential option would be to have both organizations engage in diplomacy. While a regular component of international relations in the contemporary environment, during the time of this conflict such actions occurred only in limited form. This then constitutes a major potential option a means of solving this conflict. -Still, another potential option would be to allow both armies to engage in warfare. While this is the most extreme solution it is an option that continues to be implemented through the contemporary world environment. This solution would be effective in providing a strong and resolute answer to the issue, as the stronger party would have the final say in the matter. Still, the human death toll would be significant. One considers that diplomacy functions as the best option as it determines an amenable solution without bloodshed and death. This approach functions within the Ansoff management techniques. One considers that turbulence is a prominent area of concern within the Ansoff approach, and this situation demonstrates a great degree of unpredictability. Ansoff recognizes that managers must meet these challenges with an appropriate aggressiveness of strategy. In this sense, the diplomatic approach recognizes that because of the turbulent nature of the situation, a strong and resolute solution needs to be reached. The diplomatic action then will

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties 2011-2012 Essay

Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties 2011-2012 - Essay Example Behaviourism with emotional and behavioural difficulties Introduction This critical review is about ‘Behaviourism’ and its role in learning while helping students having behavioural and emotional complications. In the first section Behaviourism is defined and its background discussed in detail. Then the role of Behaviourism in teaching and the point of view of different groups regarding its importance in applying for removing the SEBD issues in classrooms. At the very end in conclusion, a brief overview has been given for its improvisation in Saudi Arabian schools to improve the teaching methods and techniques and entails a new policy for SEBD students. More importantly the research question has been given at the end aroused from this review. Background John B. Watson, initially brought in ‘behaviourism’ into examination in the year 1912, which minted the word ‘behaviourism’. In 1938, this study was further preceded by B. F. Skinner who proposed that ‘learning’ can be determined as a discernible change. Afterwards, Ralph Tyler then made use viewpoints from behaviourism, in 1949, to direct lesson design. Behaviourism, merely deals with altering the behaviour by honouring demanded actions and penalizing or neglecting unwanted activities. Behaviour theorists determined ‘learning’ as nothing beyond the attainment of a novel behaviour. ‘Behaviour Modification’, a teaching framework was formulated through the previously identified research works and findings (Alberto and Troutman, 1995). The fundamentals of the behaviourist theory go back to the philosopher Aristotle (Black, 1995). This theory illustrates that the learning of behaviors could be assessed and noticed. It identifies the brain as a "black box" as the reaction to any stimulant can be detected quantitatively, entirely neglecting the likelihood of intellections happening in the brain. Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike and Watson are the most famous behaviourists who played significant role in developing this theory. B.F Skinner was a psychologist who put forward this theory of Behaviourism. He believed that behaviour is controlled by cause and effect and it has got nothing to do with mind or reasoning. Behaviourism is considered as conditioning or training introduced by Pavlov, a Russian psychologist. The classical conditioning was formulated by Ivan Pavlov, a physiologist of Russian origin. It may be referred as, ‘A sort of learning, established by linkage of a classified stimulant unable to commonly evoke peculiar reactions on some other stimulant having the ability to evoke a desired reaction (Feldman, Papalia and Olds, 2007). The above mentioned description inculcates that the fundamental elements in this type of conditioning is the term linkage, depicting that the simultaneous occurrence of two distinct stimulants frequently will lead to the development of linkage in them.. For example if a student faces continuously a problem in his/her English language class in the shape of unfriendly teacher, unmanageable questions, and a great deal of home assignments may create an undesired perception in his/her brain about the instructor (Murdick and Petch-Hogan, 1996; Schloss and Smith, 1994). Classical conditioning was discovered by Pavlov by accident. Originally, he wanted to study the role of salivation in digestion. He measured that when given meat, how much saliva dogs produce. After a few days in the experiment, Pavlov noticed that the dogs in his laboratory started salivating when the lab attendant entered the room with the meat dish, before meat was placed in their mouth. This aroused Pavlov’s curiosity and he pursued the issue with more experiments. For example, he sounded a bell just before presenting his dogs with food. Before obtaining food, various times, following the sound of the ringing bell, the dogs were observed to start salivating as shortly as the bell started to ring. In other word, in reaction to a novel stimulant (the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Political conditions of the Cold War Era Essay Example for Free

Political conditions of the Cold War Era Essay The Cold War is increasingly treated as a historical period that customarily begins in 1947, when the Truman Doctrine sought to contain communism and the expansion of Soviet influence, and ends with the decline and fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc in the late 1980s. My thoughts are that this event occurred after war world II between the Soviet Union and the United States of America due to a conflict about political, ideological, military, and economic values because the United States was capitalist when the Soviet Union was communist. During this time there was a fair that they were going to destroy each other with the arsenals of gigantic artillery. Germany was separated into 4 sections controlled by Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the United States and the Cold war started because there was a disagreement on unifying Germany. There were events that happened during the cold war the first was the foreign aid policies, which were able to divide the superpowers after that treaty organizations and alliances started forming up again one of these alliances was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), as well as the Warsaw pact. The superpower were always involved in a conflict the mayor political crisis was that Soviet blockade on Western Berlin they block off supply routes to Western Berlin so the people were dying because they did not have how to cover the firs needs. Another conflict was the Cuban missile crisis it was the closest the world ever came to all-out nuclear war. Following the first sightings of the missiles being placed by Soviets, additional Russian vessels were seen heading towards Cuba carrying more missile components. Thus began what became known as â€Å"the 13 days,† a period of extremely high tension in which the Kennedy administration tried to find a way to get the missiles out of Cuba without starting World War III. Kennedy and his advisers had to walk a very tight line in order to achieve that end. In the end, Kennedy followed the path of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower as a leader determined to prevent the further spread of Communism in the world by all reasonable means. He had campaigned on the issue of a missile gap  between United States and the Soviet Union, and even his plan to place a man on the moon in the decade of the 1960s was, to a large extent, aimed at defeating the Russians in space. The military implications were obvious. It was during Kennedys administration that the most dangerous point in the Cold War was reached: the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. http://www.academicamerican.com/postww2/coldwar.html Presidents and Prime Ministers on either side came and went but the war never ended. Every President of the United States took the war personally as a Commander in Battle and it became a competition of who would do better. Finally, it was the Republican George W. Bush who called the final shots and that too because Mikhael Gorbachev backed down. http://www.historyking.com/World-War/cold-war/Summary-Of-The-Cold-War.html Explain the specific threats to American citizens One threat that is becoming more severe in the post-Cold War world is the proliferation of chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile technology. The probability of a retaliatory strike on the U.S. homeland by rogue states or terrorist groups using such weapons, however, can be reduced by ending unneeded and provocative U.S. military intervention abroad. Politicians of both parties often tapped into that fear and ran for office based on how strong they would be against communists. Fighting communism always involved the threat of nuclear war since both the U.S. and Soviet Union had nuclear weapons trained on each other. President Dwight Eisenhowers military plan relied on nuclear stockpiles rather than land forces. He hoped the threat of nuclear destruction would restrain the Soviets. http://www.tn4me.org/minor_cat.cfm/minor_id/23/major_id/10/era_id/8 Describe the preparations you would make to protect your family Those are my thoughts , it is important to have things that are going to be necessaries to survive in this situation as water medical and food the family can survive if they go to the close shelter they usually have a wonderful staff to help those who need them. It s important to keep the medication close and accessible. Conclude with one question for further study on the Cold War era What effect did the Cold War have on the political, economic, social, and  military conditions of the world’s nations? Conclusion Cold War as a period which began with the rivalities of the superpowers The effort to contain communism and capitalism (and covertly subvert the other), however, entailed a larger containment or channeling of the flow of possible change in various areas of political, social, and cultural life within its political imagination. The Cold War rivalry sustained an equilibrium which tended to freeze not only the power relations between hegemonic and client states but also the political contours of nation-states in the two camps backed by economic inducements, military power, and nuclear threat.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Film Trailer Portfolio Essay -- Papers

Film Trailer Portfolio When the task of creating a film trailer was first put to us, I had several ideas for the movie's context. The first was of a movie in the action genre that dealt with revenge, whilst the other two were in the horror genre. The horror genre appealed to me more, as a low budget film can still have the desired effect by use of different filming techniques, and I wanted to depend more on a psychological aspect. My first idea was to do a film about a poltergeist. I had watched several films such as "Poltergeist", but wanted to create a film that relied less on visual effects, something that leant towards the style of Albert Hitchcock, who is still seen today as the "Master of Suspense". This Poltergeist idea did intrigue me, but I could not think of a plot thick enough, or original enough to capture an audience. The remaining idea was more original, and would create the correct feel of the horror genre. This idea leant more towards several horror films from the 1970s, when a crop of films also used religious undertones to great effect. My idea was for an ancient relic to be uncovered that posed a threat to religion, an idea that didn't require special effects or large production values. I took this idea and tried to further it by thickening out the plot for the trailer. To do this, I researched other films in the same genre. I looked directly at three films from the last three decades, "The Exorcist", "The Name of the Rose" and "The Sixth Sense". I was first attracted to these films by the techniques that had been used to produce the desired effect on the audience. The Exorcist (William Friedkin 1973) ... ... on a Panasonic Digital Camera, and was edited using Pinnacle Studio software on a PC. All of the footage was shot without the use of a tripod after several experiments to see what presented the storyline the most effectively. Most notably at the beginning of the trailer, a short zoom shot towards a radio speaker was attempted with a tripod, but the elegant and fixed camera movement lacked the character and ambience that was available when recorded handheld, especially with the emotional sound bite that accompanied the shot. I decided to use two different tints Editing during "I dare not say" I wanted the speed of the trailer to change when I was editing, from calm and mellow camera movement with slow transitions, to brisk and abrupt movement with quick transitions. This was my idea of representing chaos.

Monday, November 11, 2019

“9” by E.E. Cummings Analysis Essay

Edward Estlin Cummings was a unique poet with an equally unique writing style. E. E. Cummings was born on October 14th, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1916, Cummings graduated with a master’s degree from Harvard University. During his studies, he was subject to many great writers such as Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound. After working for five months as a volunteer ambulance driver in World War I, he was captured by French authorities. He was accused on accounts of espionage. After the war, he settled into a life in which he bounced around from houses in rural Connecticut and Greenwich Village. He also traveled through Europe meeting various poets and artists, including Pablo Picasso. During his life, Cummings won a number of awards for his unique style of writing. At the time of his death in 1962, he was the second most widely read poet in the United States, only behind Robert Frost. In this essay, we will discuss three distinct features of his writing that made it so unique. These features included literary devices, imagery, and symbolism. One of the most prominent poetic devices in E. E. Cummings poem, â€Å"9†, is alliteration. This literary device is obvious throughout the poem. For example, in the first stanza, â€Å"There are so many tic-toc clocks everywhere telling people what tic-toc time it is, for tic-toc instance, five toc minutes toc past six tic† (Cummings Web). Cummings uses the phrase tic-toc, and other variations of that to create a sense of repetition. This fits nicely into what the major theme of the poem is. Cummings believes that watching and keeping track of time gets repetitive. Through alliteration, Cummings creates a sense of repetition while summarizing the overwhelming theme of the poem. Another major poetic device Cummings uses in his poem â€Å"9† is imagery. Cummings makes use of descriptive phrases that practically paint a picture in the reader’s mind. For example, â€Å"Spring is not regulated and does not get out of order, nor do its hands a little jerking move over numbers slowly† (Cummings Web). The section â€Å"Its hand a little jerking move over numbers slowly,† instantly gives the reader the image of a clock. In the way he conveys this, it’s clear that he feels time is moving very slowly. In the third stanza, â€Å"We do not wind it up, it has no weights, spring wheels inside of its slender self, no indeed dear nothing of the kind† (Cummings Web), Cummings creates vivid imagery. This shows that Cummings is relating how he has no use for a clock and doesn’t care for the principle of keeping time. He would rather live life time free, without having to worry about being on time or being late. The third and final poetic device that shows up in the poem, â€Å"9†, is symbolism. To begin the poem Cummings uses symbolism. The number â€Å"9† refers to the number of times he uses the words, â€Å"tic-toc†, â€Å"toc-tic†, â€Å"tic-tic†, â€Å"toc†, and â€Å"tic†. Also, as seen in the fourth stanza, â€Å"So when kiss spring comes, we’ll kiss each kiss other on kiss the kiss lips because the tic clocks toc don’t make a toc-tic difference to kiss kiss you and to kiss me† (Cummings Web). Cummings uses the word â€Å"kiss† to complicate and clutter the verse. If you remove those words, he simply summarizes all of his thoughts in the last stanza. He says when spring comes; we can kiss because the clocks don’t make a difference to you and me. This symbolizes that Cummings can’t wait for the spring and summer months when the clocks don’t play a role in his life. In conclusion, Cummings uses his poem â€Å"9† to relay his feeling to time. He feels that clocks are constantly telling people what time it is, that they are too late or too early. He believes they should be allowed freedom, which the clocks don’t seem to give. In the summer, however, the clocks don’t matter because it’s a time for relaxation and fun. He could really care less about the clocks.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Christian Attitudes to Infertility.

Christian attitudes to medical treatment for infertility * Childlessness is a major problem for some Christian couples who believe that if they cannot have a child, they are not able to fulfil God’s command to humans to be â€Å"fruitful and multiply† (Genesis 1:28) * Some may accept that it is God’s choice for them to not have children. * Some may find other ways to direct their parental skills such as school, charity or church work. * Some may choose to adopt children and therefore give unwanted or orphaned children a living home. * Some may choose to try to conceive a child through fertility treatment.Christians who are against fertility treatment * Christians are divided over the use if artificial methods to have children. Some Christians, such as Roman Catholics, are opposed to all fertility treatments because they believe. * God intended that children should be created through the natural act of sex between a husband and wife. * No one has a â€Å"rightâ⠂¬  to have children. God has a plan for everyone and if it is within his plan or a couple not to have a child, then people should respect that. * Masturbation is a sin and all treatments where fertilisation takes place outside the woman’s body involves masturbation by the male. â€Å"Technique which allow someone other that the husband and wife to be involved in the making of a child are very wrong. Techniques which separate sex from making of the baby are unacceptable† (Catechism of the Catholic Church) * Some Christians, including Catholics, are opposed to IVF because it involves the creation of several embryos. The embryos that are not used are destroyed and some are experimented on, which can be seen as violating the â€Å"sanctity of life† * Many Christians would object to treatments which use donated sperm or eggs because they believe this would be adultery. Most Christians do not agree with surrogacy because it involves a third person, which may cause c omplications for all involved. Christians who agree with fertility treatments * Few Christians would agree with all types of fertility treatments for the reasons mentioned above . * Many would accept them in cases where the sperm of the husband and the egg of the wife are used (in IVF or AIH) * God has given humans the capacity to create children in this way * It allows couples to experience the joy of having children * It is a way of loving your neighbour and follows the golden rule.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Definition and Examples of Linguistic Insecurity

Definition and Examples of Linguistic Insecurity Linguistic insecurity is the anxiety or lack of confidence experienced by speakers and writers who believe that their use of language does not conform to the principles and practices of standard English. The term linguistic insecurity was introduced by American linguist William Labov in the 1960s.   Observations While there seems to be no lack of confidence in exporting native models of English as a foreign language, it is at the same time almost paradoxical to find among all the major anglophone nations such enormous linguistic insecurity about standards of English usage. The complaint tradition stretching back to medieval times is intense on both sides of the Atlantic (see Romaine 1991 on its manifestations in Australia). Ferguson and Heath (1981), for instance, comment on prescriptivism in the US that quite possibly no other nation buys so many style manuals and how-to-improve-your-language books in proportion to the population.(Suzanne Romaine, Introduction, The Cambridge History of the English Language, Vol. IV. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1999) Sources of Linguistic Insecurity [Linguist and cultural historian Dennis Baron] suggests that this linguistic insecurity has two sources: the notion of more or less prestigious dialects, on the one hand, and the exaggerated idea of correctness in language, on the other. . . . It might be additionally suggested that this American linguistic insecurity comes, historically, from a third source: a feeling of cultural inferiority (or insecurity), of which a special case is the belief that somehow American English is less good or proper than British English. Indeed, one can hear frequent comments made by Americans that indicate that they regard British English as a superior form of English.(Zoltn Kà ¶vecses, American English: An Introduction. Broadview, 2000) Linguistic Insecurity and Social Class A great deal of evidence shows that lower-middle-class speakers have the greatest tendency towards linguistic insecurity, and therefore tend to adopt, even in middle age, the prestige forms used by the youngest members of the highest-ranking class. This linguistic insecurity is shown by the very wide range of stylistic variation used by lower-middle-class speakers; by their great fluctuation within a given stylistic context; by their conscious striving for correctness; and by their strongly negative attitudes towards their native speech pattern.(William Labov, Sociolinguistic Patterns. Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1972) Also Known As: schizoglossia, language complex

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Analysis Of Benjamin Franklin s Autobiography, The...

FRANKLIN’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography is an inspiring tale of his personal, as well as public achievement throughout his life. Franklin’s life embodies the exemplary model of a life composed of discipline, self-reliance and self improvement. From his humble beginnings as an apprentice candle and soap maker in his father’s business to a successful business man, author, philosopher, civil activist, politician scientist, inventor, and diplomat, above all Benjamin Franklin was, and†¦ The man Benjamin Franklin eventually became a man of good character and willingness to accept others. However, as the story of Ben Franklin unfolds you see he was indeed just a man. A man found to be of the same fault and human flaw as us all to which we were born, and that is into sin. Franklin as well as all people fell short. God told us in his word long before Ben Franklin ever existed. Romans 3:23 states â€Å"for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.† (NIV). Franklin did prove however†¦ and esoteric essence of his own existence. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is an account of Franklin’s life experiences that taught him a deal of self-righteousness, virtue, self-actualization, knowledge and wisdom. Franklin recalls many past, powerful instances of his life that have influenced the ethical and intellectual development. The memoir also represents various events that built his keen interest in literature, linguistic and writing. Moreover, it also unfolds various historical events†¦ Instructor: Course: Date: Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin An autobiography is the life history of a person that is written in a book and the history is written by the same person. Autobiography mainly centers its focus on the times and life of the person writing it. The autobiography nature is very subjective and therefore the writer should be able to recall memories promptly so that incorrect and false information should be avoided. Some autobiographies are fictional whereby people write the†¦ become what we want to be, I was surprised. I began thinking about what I could do as a semester long project in which I could set a goal and record my progress. I had read Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography a few months earlier and I remember him writing about a personal program that he had developed for himself. Benjamin Franklin was fascinated with the idea of perfection, and diligently tried to achieve it while he was here on earth. His method of self improvement he called â€Å"The Art of Virtue†. What†¦ In the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin written by Benjamin Franklin has the story line of his life. He explains how the political life in the 1700’s and how he learned from his experiences. One of the virtues Benjamin Franklin has is being humble, shown throughout all of his writing. The writing style he uses is very formal and addresses his audience with very different occasions. Having been from a big family he started in the workplace at an early age. Working for his father’s business took†¦ The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin’s life made a huge impact on the history of America. He also was an influence for many citizens. Since Franklin lived during the eighteenth century, a period of growth for America, he also played a part in the political founding of the United States. To help future generations, Franklin wrote an autobiography of his life. An autobiography is a piece of literature about someone’s own life. He separates his into four parts, each one depicting†¦ The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin explains the life of this amazing man in history. I this autobiography it focuses on the revolution years as one may expect to learn from this biography about Benjamin Franklin’s; origins, family and all the decisions and events that lead him to become the grandfather of the American nation. Due to the deep description of the situations that Benjamin Franklin went through and the different cities that he visited in this autobiography, draws a visual idea of†¦ Benjamin Franklin, a well rounded American adept in many fields, once said, â€Å"either write something worth reading or do something worth writing† (Benjamin). Although this quote presents a false dilemma, Franklin chose a third option in which he did something worth writing and then wrote about it in his autobiography. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin is a different beast in its literature. Unlike most books, and possibly most autobiographies as well, Franklin’s autobiography†¦ The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin was not an easy book to read. Writing styles have changed tremendously since the 1700’s. Despite the cultural differences I learned a lot about the man and the time. Benjamin Franklin was a remarkable man. He was a printer, author, politician and an inventor. He was one of fifteen children in his family. Because he was from such a large family he was sent out to work at a very early age. He only had a few years†¦

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Discuss the reasons why Jews left Russia and Eastern Europe to come to Essay

Discuss the reasons why Jews left Russia and Eastern Europe to come to the United States. How is the impetus for Jewish immigration different from that of the I - Essay Example As described by Publisher (1997), "they went from Poland to polo in one generation" nearly penniless and went on to become the greatest movie moguls of all time. Traced as having started out in retail in furs and dry goods, they discovered the lucrative possibilities of movie-making. The American dream refers to the freedom to live a preferred lifestyle. However, their belief of the freedom to practice their religion was denied Pogrom or ethnic cleansing tops the list of reasons of Jewish immigration from Russia and Eastern Europe to the United States during this period. Non-Jewish people created havoc to the Jewish communities including destruction of homes, businesses, and religious places with authoritative consent (Laquer, 2006). The persecution that happened to the Jews came from anti-Semitism strongly implemented by the Tsarist Empire in Hitler's period. From an organized riot to destruct Jewish communities, pogroms extended to the mass killing of the Jews. This stirred great fear among some Jews who eventually immigrated to the United States and some parts of the United Kingdom (Laquer, 2006). Impetus for Jewish immigration different. ... se of the last thirty-five years and it has gone to eight millions." These Jews were blamed as responsible for Anti-Semitism whose fundamental premise is that something was basically wrong with the Jews (Sharan, 2004). The other immigrants did not particularly have this problem. The sense of abnormality and self-hatred were not imputed on the Irish, Japanese and Chinese (Lessing, 2004). The impetus for the Jewish immigration was starkly different from that of the Japanese, Chinese, and Irish. The Japanese immigrants began entering the United States in the 1880s, largely as farmers under threat of Japan's industrial and land reforms under the Meiji Restoration. They sought to be employed with the sugar plantations in Hawaii, and eventually found themselves in California (Immigration, Pacific Link, 2007). As for the Chinese immigrants, some came to the United States in relatively large groups in 1849 and 1882 between the start of the California gold rush ("Chinese Immigration," LOC, 2004). It was business, therefore, that primarily moved them to immigrate. Lastly, a number of Irish entered the U.S. between 1820 and 1830 and skyrocketed in the 1840s to nearly 2 million in that decade. They were different from the Jewish immigrants in that the Irish immigrants' reason was to escape from starvation. According to Handlin (1972), for some years, the crops remained undepend able for them and famine swept through their land. Some records, however, claim that the Irish were encouraged to emigrate because of political oppression by the British government and religious persecution of Catholic Irish ("The Irish. Immigration, 2007). Among all of these emigrants, therefore, it was the Jews who left their lands and nation due to much persecution, particularly the pogrom. Obstacles to